
Homework Management

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'm getting excited about the upcoming school year and thinking of my good old fashioned ways of handling my classroom. I really am happy to get back to my good old "Barnett Brief" (the idea came from my sister-in-law). It's a homework packet cover that I really do love using. It helps keep my life and my student's organized when it comes to homework. Grab a free download of this cover at: Weekly Homework Packet Cover

So, the ultimate question is...what day do I send out my weekly homework packet? Friday? Or Monday?
This is always a raised question by individual teachers each year that I have taught. My answer is this. If you send out homework that's review of things you did the prior week, send it out on Friday. Yes, give kids the chance to get it finished over the weekend and not have any homework the following week. Now, if you're like me and you plan to teach the content that you are sending home the following week, send it out on Monday. Teach Monday night's homework on Monday, teach Tuesday night's homework on Tuesday and so on. It's that simple.

Don't stress over some of the simplest things when it comes to teaching. You have plenty of other things to worry about! :)
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