
Classroom Management with ClassDoJo

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

So I have ClassDojo on the brain. I used this some last year, but it was hard because the kids in that group needed to actually feel they had lost something, not just see it, kinda like losing a dollar. In case you have never heard of classdojo, go here: ClassDojo. This basically keeps students on task with positives and negatives throughout the day. They can see their progress each week or month as well.
This year our school is using ClassDojo in each classroom. I think I may have figured out a way to make it work better for me. I tried incorporating dollars with the positives and the negatives last year, but that just get's crazy! Some kids need something tangible.
Here's what I'm going to do:
I have purchased a reward coupon system that I plan to implement at the same time. I found this at TpT.
These are absolutely amazing and I'm excited to use them. So instead of fuzzies, I will be using the positives and negatives with Dojo each week. My kids are still not going to get to touch anything tangible, but this is trial and error for me. No, I will not be giving up my coupons! If they get so many positives (which will be counted as points), they will get to trade for reward coupon(s) from one of my binders each Friday.
I'm excited to implement this. I'd like to hear what others do for the upper grades as well! Have a great day!

Homework Management

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'm getting excited about the upcoming school year and thinking of my good old fashioned ways of handling my classroom. I really am happy to get back to my good old "Barnett Brief" (the idea came from my sister-in-law). It's a homework packet cover that I really do love using. It helps keep my life and my student's organized when it comes to homework. Grab a free download of this cover at: Weekly Homework Packet Cover

So, the ultimate question is...what day do I send out my weekly homework packet? Friday? Or Monday?
This is always a raised question by individual teachers each year that I have taught. My answer is this. If you send out homework that's review of things you did the prior week, send it out on Friday. Yes, give kids the chance to get it finished over the weekend and not have any homework the following week. Now, if you're like me and you plan to teach the content that you are sending home the following week, send it out on Monday. Teach Monday night's homework on Monday, teach Tuesday night's homework on Tuesday and so on. It's that simple.

Don't stress over some of the simplest things when it comes to teaching. You have plenty of other things to worry about! :)

One of those days...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Today is just one of those days where the kids are refusing naps, the house is a wreck and you just can't seem to get motivated about anything except creating awesome activities for your classroom! I just can't wait to be blogging about my days at school with my new class this year!
I've been working on a few back to school activities. I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the new year!

My Excitement about ELA

Friday, July 19, 2013

        Today starts out with a baby boy and play time. Now it's nap time and I'm back at my computer working away. Less than two weeks and school will be back in session. This is somewhat of a depressing thought because I'll be leaving my baby boy once again to step out into the workforce right along with other mommy's.
         Today I'm juggling two items. My 2nd set of my Common Core morning worksheets and making a second edition to my ELA CC Interactive Journal! Yes, this one won't come out until next year, but I'm already pumped! My plans for improvement are a year long process that I'll create as we go, but I just couldn't wait! I had to tell!
         My current two journals are for 4th and 5th grades. Check them out at my TpT store!

My CC Morning Worksheets Creation

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Okay. So after many hours of typing out morning work sheets with the "I Can" statements at the top of each page, the CC abbreviations, and connections to the first two Go Math! chapters along with ELA content, I uploaded this product to my TpT store with high hopes that teachers would be interested. Wouldn't ya know, I've had some teachers interested! Happy shopping people!

4th Grade CC Morning Worksheets

The Beginning

Hi, I'm Mrs. Barnett and I am starting my fifth year as a fourth grade teacher! I'm just getting started with my blog and this is going to be so much fun! I just can't wait to tell others about my tales as a teacher!
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