
Who's Prepping for Virtual Learning??

Monday, August 10, 2020

Who out there is prepping for virtual learning? I'll admit it. I am a tad bit lost at this point in my teaching career haha. I know I can figure all of this virtual stuff out, but it's going to be an adventurous ride! 

I'm also going to admit that I've had a little trouble coming back from the quarantine. I literally cannot breathe when I wear jeans because I'm so used to wearing stretchy pants and so overalls it was for today!! These overall's are soooooo cute. I found them in a boutique a while back and they've been sold out, but I'll link a similar pair from American Eagle. You can click here or click on the picture below! I think they're super cute, but I'm probably gonna stick with my stretchy pants most days 😂 at least until in class sessions begin 🤷🏻‍♀️. 

I hope everyone has a great and adventurous year. Do a quick check of yourself at the end of each day, and don't forget your purpose as an educator. 

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