I don't have much words of interest tonight or maybe I do. I don't know. All I know is today we got another flood day. Although, it's great to have these extra days, we have had a lot of loss in our community over these floods and it's such a sad time. This weather system is the weirdest.
So I did bump into an old friend this evening and she gave me a good little piece of advice. She told me we didn't need to worry about what other people think or say. If they're not in my bubble then they don't know me, the real me. Basically, those people do not matter. She couldn't have been any more right. Do you ever have those friends that come and go in your life? This is one of those and now she's back. There are times in our lives when we go through tremendous changes and you actually do figure out who your friends are in the end. The friends that will stand by your side, check on you and not pass those rumors around. Those are the friends that are needed most.
I am guilty of this, but sometimes we isolate ourselves when something happens in our lives that we either find humiliating or devastating. We don't know how to handle situations and sometimes we run and hide. Trust me people, that's not what you should be doing if you are going through some hard times.
Hold your head high, look up and trudge on through. Remember, some of us are in one of three places in our lives. We're either going into a storm, right in the middle of one, or coming out of one. Most importantly, don't forget to live your life to its fullest and never ever give up. Never ever stop believing in yourself.