

Saturday, February 22, 2020

I'm sitting here thinking is it fast when I can jog at a steady pace and get a mile in about 10 and a half minutes? All of us try to do something to keep ourselves in shape at one point or another in our lives. For me, after having my second baby I had a little more trouble getting back to my old self. I began using an app to build my stamina up for running a 5k. I worked really hard and it took a lot of effort, but once I got there almost four years ago I never looked back.

I just want to say that never giving up no matter where you are in your life is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves! We can all be going through what we believe is the most horrific thing that's ever happened in our lives, but all bad things must come to an end. They usually, almost always do. We think we aren't going to make it and then we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Life is very short. We need to be certain that we live, we laugh, we kiss slowly, we love, and soak up every moment, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Living our best life and giving our best is what we should seek. I don't know about you, but when I get to Heaven I wanna know that I left a beautiful trail behind. You see, in life we gotta take our memories and wrap ourselves up with those memories. Almost like a blanket because that's all we've got in this life and those memories are what make us us.
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